Tech News Today 469: Spam-Cop Code

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

Foxconn workers unhappy about reduced hours, Google’s plan to sell tablets, MasterCard and Visa hacked to pieces, and more.

Guest: Dick DeBartolo

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 46:39

Tech News Today 468: Good News Everyone!

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane and Iyaz Akhtar.

Tim Cook visits a reformed Foxconn, Does Google make more on iPhone than Android? Spotify? How about SpotiFREE!?!

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 38:34

Tech News Today 467: Galaxy Note Gives You Baby Hands

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane and Iyaz Akhtar.

Next PlayStation inspired by Simba, Everybody loves China! Spy on Google while it spies on you and more.

Guests: Becky Worley and Veronica Belmont

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 38:45

S&L Podcast – #96 – Interview with Scott Lynch

We’re psyched to interview Scott Lynch, who, spoiler alert, is the Scott who gets welcomed in the new member hellos too! Plus we delve into the Ender’s Game controversy and pick good audio books for road trips.

Tom: Water 
Veronica: 2006 Bruno Rocca Barbaresco 

Teacher Suspended For Reading Ender’s Game To Students
How does 1Q84 stack up to Haruki Murakami’s classic novels? 
Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Series That Started Out as Trilogies 
EXPANSE Book III given a title 



The Lies of Locke Lamora > Boing Boing’s List of Vagabonds 
Time for a road trip! (No, we don’t mean we’re going on tour) 

Twilight slashfic takes Hollywood 

Scott Lynch
The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard, #1) by Scott Lynch

Help pick our May book (It’s a laser)

Hey there! I am an assistant librarian at Parman Library here in San Antonio, TX. I was wondering, since you guys have quite the following, if you could have an option on your site or goodreads site where people can submit their book groups/social clubs for others to search for.  For instance, I have a science fiction book group at our library called Escape the Earth! and if it were listed on your site, which gets a lot of traffic from SF fans, it would bring my community closer together in our nerdom. Just a thought… Been enjoying the podcast!
Tyler D. Lutz

Hey Tom and Veronica.
Congrats on the video show, I’d actually always hoped we’d see a video show (though I always imagined it would have been a TWiT.TV show).
Anyway I have a couple of thoughts.
1. You mentioned the video show needing to be pretty strictly PG. Do you feel this is going to have a real impact on the book choices?
2. What’s going to happen with Game of Thrones TV discussion? I’d really like you to think about doing a separate small 10-15 minute audioshow after each episode and drop them in the podcast feed. 
Anyway really looking forward to the video show.
Jason (Australia).


I know you cant talk about it on sword and laser because of your sponsor but I think people should know about
It is a website that is trying to record all public domain books into audio books and then publish them on the web under creative commons.  People can volunteer to read books or chapters and upload them back to the site.  They are all surprising well done and although not on the same level as paid versions.  They are very easy to listen to, unlike computer synthesized voices.
I first heard about from the roku channel on the nowhere man’s privet channel page
I would love to know what you think about it

Jonathan, Paul, Courtney, Mike, Josh, Scott, Micha, Tyler, Brooke, Yento, G Willow Wilson, Brandon, Carleen, Leslie, Amber, Travis, Kelly, Hagar, Vicki,Terry, Quinton, Dan, Josh, Gally, Mike, Rachel, Phil, Cameron, Ryan, Chase, JC, Frank, Mike, Louie, Cy, Nick, Jon, Trevor, Sean, Damian, Hunter, Gary, Sam, Jacob, Hai, Tony, Phillip, Eric, TK, Will, CF, Jason, ob1spyker, Semora (see-more-ah), Luis, Tracey, Mimsey, Sara, Paul, John

Autopilot 01 – Star Trek: The Cage

Autopilot 01 – Star Trek: The Cage

“The Cage” is the first pilot episode of the Star Trek: The Original Series science fiction series. It was completed in early 1965 (with a copyright date of 1964), but not broadcast on television in its complete form until the autumn of 1988. The episode was written by Gene Roddenberry and directed by Robert Butler. It was rejected by NBC in February 1965, and the network ordered another pilot episode, which became “Where No Man Has Gone Before”. Much original footage from “The Cage” was later incorporated into the first season two-parter, “The Menagerie”.

Tech News Today 466: Smack The Magnet

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane and Iyaz Akhtar.

Google Drive on its way? Sony stops hating itself, Xbox no longer just for video games, and more.

Guests: Veronica Belmont

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 38:48

Tech News Today 465: Moving At The Speed Of Law

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane and Jason Howell

IS Comcast violating net neutrality? Microsoft rides with the US Marshals, Android smokes Windows Phone, and more.

Guests: David Hewlett

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 48:56