S&L Podcast – #98 – Stop Saying Lady Cave!

If you thought the audio podcast would get shorter because of our video show, you were not right. We have almost a full hour of discussion about why we like dark fantasy, what makes C.S. Lewis so cool, and the ups, downs, ins, and outs of Quentin Coldwater and The Magicians. Also Veronica keeps saying “lady cave” because she thinks it’s funny.  It’s funny.


What We’re Drinking” segment needs an S&L name 

Tom: Racer 5 IPA 

Veronica: 2009 Mandolin Cabernet Sauvignon 


New cover art: Abercrombie, Sanderson, Banks, Sapkowski 

Publisher hails CS Lewis ‘space trilogy’ e-book debut

Writing advice from C.S. Lewis was both adorable and concise 

The Year’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Books for Libertarians 

Over 2/3 of U.S. libraries offer e-books; 28% lend e-readers 

Cover art and blurb for Peter F. Hamilton’s GREAT NORTH ROAD



FAQ – A Sword and Laser Primer for New Members 

Lev Grossman says what fantasy is about 

Send us videos! 


Full episode list for Season 2 of GAME OF THRONES 

GAME OF THRONES renewed for a third season 


The Magicians by Lev Grossman 

Meta-mockery of the fantasy genre? 

Courage of your convictions when referencing other books? 

A Case of Loose Ends? 


Hello Tom & Veronica,

i’ve just watched the first video version of Sword & Laser on Youtube, and i totally loved it!

I have a small question you guys can hopefully help me out with.

I’ve recently sold my tablet (the poor thing was collection dust on the shelf), but now i’m finding myself getting back into e-books.

I could read them on my smartphone, but the small screen makes me want to turn it off after a few minutes.

Reading them on the computer works sometimes, but my concentration levels aren’t as high as i hoped, i usually find myself surfing the web withint 10-15 minutes.

Audiobooks may be a solution, and i am currently listening to one, narrated by your first guest Scott Sigler. However, i was hoping to somehow combine this with reading e-books.

Any tips on how to make it easier to read e)books for an hour at a time without reinvesting in a tablet or any other devices would be appreciated!

Love the show, your dragon definitely needs some patting 🙂




This podcast is brought to you by Audible.com the internet’s leading provider of audiobooks with more than 100,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature and featuring audio versions of many New York Times Best Sellers.

For listeners of this podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook, to give you a chance to try out their service.

For a free audiobook of your choice go to audiblepodcast.com/sword.  

S&L Video – #01 – We Kick-off The Magicians!

It’s here, it’s really here! After months of hard work (and dealing with dragon negotiations) we’ve finally launched the video show! Check it out below:

Huge thanks to Scott Sigler for being on the first episode, and hopefully many of you have already started reading The Magicians by Lev Grossman

Show Notes:



Tech News Today 478: A Quantum Computing Leap

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

Microsoft roadmap leaked, Nest fights to defend its…. Nest, Canon’s new 4K camera, and more.

Guest: Lance Ulanoff

Download or subscribe to this show at twit.tv/tnt.

Submit and vote on story coverage at technewstoday.reddit.com.

We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes at wiki.twit.tv.

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 41:03

Tech News Today 477: DoJ Throws The eBooks At Apple

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

Ebooks about to get cheaper, will Google sell Motorola to Huawei? Google+ gets white, and more.

Guest: Larry Dignan and Leslie Horn

Download or subscribe to this show at twit.tv/tnt.

Submit and vote on story coverage at technewstoday.reddit.com.

We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes at wiki.twit.tv.

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 43:12

Tech News Today 476: Let Me Set My Scream Tone

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

Who needs a 13-inch tablet? The state of Yahoo’s peanut butter, Chrome OS catches up with Windows 2, and more.

Guest: Molly Wood

Download or subscribe to this show at twit.tv/tnt.

Submit and vote on story coverage at technewstoday.reddit.com.

We invite you to read, add to, and amend our show notes at wiki.twit.tv.

Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 43:36