FourCast 92: Vote Gibbon

Hosts: Tom Merritt and Scott Johnson

It’s survival of the cutest, or survival of the aliens that can’t enjoy simulations. But we can’t use telepathy because of the ads.

Guests: Katie Sekelsky and Zach Weiner

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 49:32

Tech News Today 337: Meego Come And Go

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

BitTorrent wants to decongest the Internet, Amazon new tablet may suck, Sprint getting more Verizon-like, and more.

Guest: Nate Lanxon

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 47:16

Tech News Today 336: We Didn’t Kindle The Fire

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

Amazon Kindle Tablet on Fire, Netflix’s sad big announcement, Windows Phone spies on you, and more.

Guest: Nilay Patel

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 52:59

Tech News Today 335: How Would A Wii Render A Grue?

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

Amazon tablet coming next week, Dish takes on Netflix, PC games to crush consoles, and more.

Guest: Darren Kitchen

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 37:45

Tech News Today 334: Neutrinos Killed My Grandma

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

HP CEO fire-and-hire, leave Facebook and lose your life, Amazon to buy Netflix? and more.

Guests: Ken Denmead and Dr. Kiki Sanford

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 43:47

Tech News Today 333: Cry Of The Monopolist

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

Why Google is not a monopoly, could HP CEO Leo lose his job, Windows might keep Linux off the desktop, and more.

Guest: Peter Ha

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 43:44

Tech News Today 332: Smells Like Tegra

Hosts: Tom Merritt, Sarah Lane, Iyaz Akhtar and Jason Howell

Begun social networking wars have, G+ opens, Facebook fires back, NVidia says forget social networking, FIVE CORES!

Guest: Patrick Norton

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Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.

Running time: 39:32