We’ve got some scoops on how we feel halfway into The Once and Future King. Some thoughts on the Princess Bride as the book relates to the movie, and a few hints on how to tell if you’re living in a science fiction book or not.
Sci-Fi Writer Iain Banks Talks Surface Detail’s Hell, Creationist Heresy
Pink Noise: hard-sf novella about the strange battles of the posthuman
Science fiction from around the world, every week
BARE YOUR SWORD – feedback from the audience
Masterpiece Mystery! – new Sherlock Holmes
Walking Dead on amc next sunday at 10
King Pellinore
I don’t know if you have read it or not, Tom, but one of the best (and most plausible) series on your Arthurian theme is The Camulod Chronicles by Jack Whyte, starting with The Skystone and continuing for 8 more books. It starts with Arthur’s and Merlin’s grandfathers who are Roman soldiers that decide to stay behind as the Roman armies withdraw back to Italy. I think you must have read them after listening to episode 44, as you partially describe the premise. I just thought that this series deserved a mention as one of the best re-tellings of the legend.
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