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Cordkillers 135 – Gideon’s HDMI w/ Justin Robert Young

Tom shares his tips for cordcutting direct from Japan, Neilson says more people are watching TV, and a bunch of new apps! With special guest Justin Robert Young.

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CordKillers: Ep. 135 – Gideon’s HDMI
Recorded: August 29 2016
Guest: Justin Robert Young

Intro Video

Primary Target

Signal Intelligence

Under Surveillance


Front Lines

Dispatches from the Front

Hello Cordkillers,

I’m an idiot. I plunked down $99 for NFL Game Pass. I cut the cord this month. I got rid of Dish network since they were still fighting with Scripps which would affect my ability to record/watch the Hawks. I decided to sign up for PlayStation Vue (saving about $100 a month). That got me all the cable channels I wanted and most of the network shows on demand. The missing piece was how I was going to watch my beloved Seattle Seahawks. So I signed up for the 7 day trial of NFL Game Pass. I used it to listen to the last half of last weeks Vikings game on my phone. I read all the fine print and a few reddit threads and thought I understood what I was getting. So tonight I got home after date night with my wife, ready to watch the Cowboys game. Booted up my brand new PS4 which I got so I could run the NFL app and get better performance with PS View than I had on my PS3. I open up the NFL app and pull up the game. I can’t watch the 30 min cut version due to “broadcast restrictions” (hey it’s 10:30 PM and I just wanted to get the highlights before bed).I pull up the full game and I have no choice of broadcast team like I did when I listened to the radio via the phone app. So now I have to watch the opposing team’s commentators. I’m going to have to call to see if this is the way its going to be during the regular season. I can’t even fast forward through the stupid “We’ll be right back after this commercial break” nonsense that stays on the screen for what would have been the entire live commercial break.. I’m so disappointed.

I know NFL Network will be coming to PS View but I don’t think that will give me access to all the full games, just the Thursday night games and the RedZone highlight versions of each weeks games. If any of the Cordkillers can give me any advice that isn’t “go to a sports bar” or “watch it live over the air” I’d love to hear it. I’ve actually backed the antenna/DVR project you discussed in the last episode but that won’t be out in time for the season.

Pity me,
Keith in Kent





Brian and Tom,

I like to live in the past.

I didn’t see a single Olympic event without a spoiler and I’m rocking a 5 year old phone with no alerts. I check the news every so often though and that’s my downfall. Is there hope for people like me? Do I need to buy a bunker from that guy selling seeds?

Here’s an idea for anyone in the media distribution industry – how about news without sports? Bit like ESPN in reverse.

I know lots of people couldn’t care less about stick and ball. How are sports spoilers any different than CNN announcing “New Star Wars out this week: Han Solo died. You’ll never guess what comes next”?








Tom, Brian, and Bryce

I would like to add an idea to the reason for the name change of the new Anne series. In part it might be to distance the new movie from the Sullivan Entertainment versions.

There are two different fandoms those that love the books and those that love the Sullivan produced TV. Sullivan TV has controlled the visual media of the Intellectual Property since 1985. After the first mini-series he paid less attention to the original work than Michael Landon did to the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. At least Landon kept the story in the same time period, even if he did call Plum Creek the Prairie. Sullivan time traveled Anne and Gilbert from the early 1900’s to 1940’s and had Gilbert serving in WWII. In “reality” Anne and Gilbert’s sons (like LM Montgomery’s sons) served in WWI as very very young men. This very much irritated fans of the books. I can watch the first miniseries with pleasure but three sequels make me want to throw things at the screen. Many book fans refer to the last three mini-series/movies as really horrible fan fiction. The character and place names stayed the same (except when they go off to WWII), but the heart was hollow and contained nothing of the original.

I think in a way the Sullivan series sanitized drama that was considered too adult like Anne’s daughter being stillborn, parents having to send children off to war and those children dying, very young by today’s standards teens getting married or engaged because the boy was going off to war, for the more acceptable hero goes to fight the Nazi’s story they told. There is also a character in Rilla of Ingleside (WWI book) that stands on the back stoop and repeatedly calls Americans especially President Wilson cowards who are letting other people fight and die for them. I’m guessing that might not go over so well with some people. Anne of Green Gables is often on the banned book list because of its how adoption is shown in the book. Adoption in that time period was about getting cheap labor (room/board no money maybe allowed to go to school) for a farm or house not forever families. The story of the abuse Anne suffered before Marilla and Matthew and the story of other abused orphans is horrible it is also based on real stories of that time.

I’m looking forward to the new movie. I hope it is more true to the source material.

(Texas Teacher)


2016 Summer Movie Draft

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